Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Avi Wazana: CEO of MSE

Yoel Wazana has accomplished much for the environment. By creating Micro Solutions Enterprises, Yoel Wazana has helped to remanufacture cartridges. Through remanufacturing cartridges, Wazana has saved our planet a ton of oil and space in landfills. However, Micro Solutions Enterprises wouldn’t be where it is today without his brother, Avi Wazana.

Avi Wazana is the CEO of Micro Solutions Enterprises.  When Yoel Wazana was starting as a first time business owner, he dealt with many challenges, such as the poor quality of aftermarket cartridges. He would spend more time addressing customer complaints rather than actually capturing new customers, and would only sell one or two cartridges at a time. This happened for a period of two years. He faced many struggles and lost more customers than he could gain. Yoel Wazana had to take on a second job working at night in order to make ends meet. 

It was around this time where Yoel turned to his brother, Avi, for help. At the time, Avi Wazana was working as a Vice President of Sales and Marketing for a high-end jewelry distributor. Throughout Yoel’s time trying to start Micro Solutions Enterprises, Avi was there to serve as an outside consultant. 

When the two brothers discussed business, they came up with two different options: 

  • Yoel would have to work many jobs in order to support his family and pay Avi back for the money he owed him as well as drop the idea of Micro Solutions Enterprises altogether. 
  •  Yoel could have additional money to set up Micro Solutions Enterprises. 

Avi Wazana only had one question: “Is there enough room for another manufacturer?”

Yoel responded with, “There is room for one good one.”

After the company first began its first year of success, Avi Wazana joined Micro Solutions Enterprises as a partner and CEO in January of 1998.


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