Friday, March 28, 2014

Yoel Wazana of Micro Solutions Enterprises Provides Tips for Small Businesses to Increase Productivity

As a business owner, you want your business to grow and succeed. But with a budget to adhere to, it can sometimes be hard to meet the growing demands that come with operating a business. From paying employees to purchasing the resources and tools you need, how do you keep your organization efficient?

The answer is by increasing productivity. By doing so, you can utilize the necessary resources to generate profitable products and services. Also, have you ever noticed how some companies charge a significantly higher price than others for the same product? That's because businesses with higher productivity are able to charge lower prices or than those with less productivity. The more products you make and sell, the lower your overhead and the higher your profits.

While that sounds logical, where do you even start? Yoel Wazana, president of Micro Solutions Enterprises, examines three primary variables to help you increase productivity.

1. Hiring the right talent

As an employer, you should make certain that when you hire an employee, they are the right fit for the job. This means ensuring that the individual is not merely looking for a paycheck, but brings talent and diversity to your workplace. How can they help your business succeed? What talents or new ideas do they have to offer? What experience and knowledge do they have that can benefit your business?

2. Using updated technology

In an effort to save money, many businesses utilize older technology. While it may save you money now, you may be lagging behind your competitors in other ways. With the right technology, you can operate faster and more efficiently. Also, technology goes beyond computers and machinery. Don’t forget about reporting systems and communication devices. By using technology that is more up-to-date, it will help you improve workflow and reduce errors.

3. Maintain interaction with customers and clients

Customers are the backbone of any business; therefore, it's important that you maintain proper interaction with them to help improve your business output. Since you want to retain current clients and gain new ones, you should develop visitor engagement strategies. While you may think of marketing techniques, simply replying to a client's e-mail in a timely and effective manner makes a big difference. 


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Tech Sector’s Bright Green Spots

Tech manufacturing and other industries are responsible for a wide range of deleterious effects on the environment, including the depletion of the ozone layer, the release of toxic substances that affect the environment at large and people, deforestation due to land use, eutrophication, the advancement of climate change, and the mining and overconsumption of limited resources like copper. But some tech companies have managed to find ways of doing business that maximize their sustainability and minimize their environmental impact.

An Example of Green Industry

One example of "ultra-green" tech industry leadership is Micro Solutions Enterprises, whose founders, Avi and Yoel Wazana, have thoroughly committed to becoming part of the solution by implementing some of the most sustainable business practices around. MSE, who have already recycled approximately 15 million cartridges since 1994, gather pre-used toner cartridges used in printing and then either repair them for resale, or remanufacture them completely. This practice serves two different environmental purposes: the reclaimed toner cartridges are prevented from taking up space in landfills and leaking chemicals into the earth, and many valuable resources are conserved, which would otherwise be gobbled up by making new cartridges from scratch. 

The Good News

Two-pronged approaches of this type are becoming more common among savvy entrepreneurs who want to reduce waste while streamlining production and reducing overhead. By the end of 2005, more than half of all states in the U.S. had introduced bills to minimize and/or regulate what’s called “e-waste.” And many manufacturers of high-tech equipment have partnered with nonprofits, retailers, and city and county governments to organize the collection of unwanted used electronics.

A Long Way to Go

But in terms of ease of use, cost, and breadth of scope, most American programs of this type fall far short of their counterparts in other parts of the world, including Japan and Europe. As of ten years ago, 95 percent of American consumers were not even familiar with the term “e-waste.” Though this statistic has improved over time, there is still a long way to go to raise awareness of the problem of e-waste, and design and implement optimal solutions.

The burden of improved sustainability practices cannot fall primarily on the consumer. It is vital for leaders at every level of government to join with businesses of every size to find ways to minimize the impact of humans upon our fragile ecosystem. If more companies would choose the path of green leadership followed by businesses like Micro Solutions Enterprises, the outlook for climate change and the other outcomes of environmental pollution could become much more hopeful.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How Businesses can Give Back to their Communities

Businesses rely on the support of their clients and home communities to thrive and survive. If you are looking for a way to give back to those that support your company, consider a fundraiser. Now these can be a single day event or something that is ongoing. Large or small, there are opportunities for all companies concerned with giving back. For instance, your company may want to sponsor a local athlete or team like Yoel Wazana did through his company Micro Solutions Enterprises. Giving back is an excellent way to say thank you and it may also lead to new business connections for you.

One Day Event

One of the most popular types of fundraising events is the single day event. There are a variety of ways companies may participate in these. For instance, you may offer your clients food for a certain price with the donations going to a specific cause. If the budget is on the larger side, you may want to consider throwing an all-day event for the current clientele. This may even attract other potential clients that did not know about you.

If you are planning an event of this nature, make sure to give your team enough time to prepare. You may event want to create a specific committee to handle the details.

Get Behind a Specific Cause

Choose a specific charitable cause and get your employees behind it. To make it more meaningful, you may want to consider a charity that one of your employees has a personal connection with. Whether you form a team for a fundraising walk or decide to hold a family fun day with the proceeds going to your cause, there are a variety of foundations out there and just as many ways to raise money for them.

Support a Local Athlete or Team

One of the charitable contributions that Micro Solutions Enterprises makes is to support Yoel Wazana in his backing of a local youth soccer team. Children are encouraged to get outside and become more active. However, doing this in an organized fashion is not cheap. If you hear of an athlete who needs help to participate in a competition or want to help support a local team, do it. Not only will you get the satisfaction of making an impact on your community, but you will get the enjoyment of watching young athletes blossom.

Giving back to your community or the country at large will leave you with a feeling of satisfaction. It may even lead to more business connections. Decide upon which route you want to take and have fun.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Yoel Wazana Provides 4 Ways for Businesses to Improve Customer Relationships

While there are many factors that affect the bottom line, customers are the lifeblood of any business. They purchase your products and/or services and they are the ones who keep your business flourishing. That's why it's imperative to build a strong and solid relationship with your customer base.

Understandably, developing strong relationships can take time and dedication. That’s why it's important to employ the right customer relation strategies. To help you improve your relationship with customers, business professional Yoel Wazana provides the following tips.

1. Establish connections with your customers

Connecting with your customers and keeping them informed about your products/services, events, deals, discounts, and other such information is a crucial part of improving customer relations. Whether you keep them informed through social media, e-mails, texts or your website, your customers should be in the loop about what's going on with your company and products.

Also, keep in mind that it only takes one bad experience to send a customer away, regardless of whether they're shopping in your store or talking with you over the phone. You should always be courteous and give each interaction with customers a personal touch.

2. Listen to your customers

Customers respond well when they feel like someone has a genuine interest in them. They want someone who listens and responds to their wants and needs. Whether they demand that something be done or changed, or simply want someone to pay attention to them, it's important that you address their concerns and do so in a timely and interested manner. Understandably, you may not always be able to have face-to-face interaction with customers. Get feedback through a forum on your website where people can voice their concerns. You can achieve this through customer surveys and e-mails, as well.

3. Reward loyal customers

While your goal may be to bring in new customers, remember that it's easier and less costly to take care of your existing ones. One of the best ways to strengthen your relationship with current customers is to show them how much you appreciate them. You can do this by sending a thank you letter or e-mail, or free samples of a product. These tokens of appreciation are easy ways to thank customers for staying with your company, and customers feel special when they receive them.

4. Provide the proper employee training

In order to provide customers with the best service, your team of employees should be properly trained, knowledgeable and experienced. Many customers' opinions are formed by their interaction with employees; therefore, your employees should know how to properly respond to customers in all instances. 


Monday, March 17, 2014

Making an Impact in the Community

There are two sides to every business story: the first and most obvious revolves around the products and services that a particular company offers their clientele; the second, and sometimes less seen side, is the human factor. Sometimes this factor involves taking care of your own workers. At others, this is a great way to expand your company’s profile in the community and become more involved. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to explore the human impact of your company. You may choose to sponsor an event or like Yoel Wazana did for Micro Solutions Enterprises, sponsor a local team, or donate. No matter what you do, it will be appreciated by those it benefits.

Expanding on the human impact of your company will take money, so before you sign over that big check or print up uniforms proudly displaying your logo, take some time to think. How much money can your company put towards these efforts? Perhaps you may want to look at it as part of your advertising budget, as any interaction with potential clients is good. The most important thing is that you have a budget in place before you go looking for opportunities.

Look for events and groups that will provide you the best result and the greatest reach. For instance, you could become involved with a local annual festival. Whether it draws a couple hundred people or a few thousand, these are all potential clients. Perhaps your local high school sports program is looking for sponsors for game day materials. This may give you an opportunity to expand your impact beyond your local neighborhood to cover the opposing school’s area.

Take some time to research charitable opportunities in your region. Not only will you feel good about making a positive impact, but the event will look great for public relations. Contact children’s hospitals and other organizations to see if they are in need of something specific. If it is financially possible, purchase that item and then present it.

Consider sponsoring something outside of your normal realm of business. For instance, Micro Solutions Enterprises helps to sponsor a local soccer team thanks to the green generosity of the founder Yoel Wazana.

Whether you have a large budget or a small one, making an effort to impact your local community on a human level can have many benefits. First, it gets your name out there (free advertising). Secondly, it shows potential clients that you are involved in the community and truly care about your area. 
