Friday, February 22, 2013

Yoel Wazana's Patents a Strong Example of American Ingenuity

The health of American based companies, especially manufacturing ones, are a critical bellwether of any kind of economic evaluation. A lot of press has been devoted to manufacturing lately because of the decades long trend of goods no longer being produced in America. Outsourcing, if you remember, was a huge topic during the last presidential campaign. As the American economy struggles to get out of its post-recession rut, many analysts are wondering if manufacturing may be the key to getting more and more of the unemployed back to work. Micro Solutions Enterprises, led by Yoel Wazana, is one such company providing hundreds of jobs in the manufacturing sector in a location that desperately needs it.

MSE has been successful for nearly two decades thanks in large part to the 11 U.S.  patents that Yoel Wazana has to his name. He and his team of engineers have continuously made innovations in the aftermarket imaging supplies industry, creating high quality toner cartridges out of the recycled materials of spent cartridges. These remanufactured toner cartridges have helped rehabilitate the reputation of the industry by finally giving consumers the dependable, OEM-alternative cartridges they've been demanding.

As demand has increased, so too has MSE's reach. They now sell their products in over 40 different countries and employ nearly 1000 people at their Van Nuys, California factory. Yoel Wazana has developed an American manufacturing business that is achieving two critical functions in 2013: Providing manufacturing jobs in America and encouraging green business practices.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Quick Profile of Entrepreneur Yoel Wazana

California-based entrepreneur Yoel Wazana may not be incredibly famous, but the story of his success should be more widespread thanks to what he's been able to accomplish in his nearly two decades as founder and president of Micro Solutions Enterprises, the leading manufacturer of aftermarket imaging supplies. The following is a quick profile of Yoel Wazana, including the projects and charities he's involved in as well as his interests.

Green Friendly Business

Wazana founded MSE on two premises:  1. The remanufactured toner cartridges on the market at the time were of poor quality and he knew he could do better. 2. He wanted to create a product that would benefit the environment. With MSE's success, he's managed to achieve both. MSE's products allow businesses all over to save money and cut down on waste. By using high quality recycled materials to create toner cartridges, harmful plastics are kept out of landfills and waterways.

Charitable Giving

Yoel Wazana is also involved in local charities.  One of his current projects is a fundraising project that aims to benefit youth soccer groups. Wazana has always loved soccer and this allows him to encourage others to give in order to make sure as many local kids as possible have access to the sport. Another charity he is involved in is Jewish Family Services, which provides assistance and food to local families in need. He has donated both time and money to the cause and is always looking for new ways to help his community.


Help Your Office Go Green with Products from Micro Solutions Enterprises

Whether you're a business owner or an office manager, you no doubt know the incredible costs that can add up just by keeping your office supplies stocked. But the word "costs" can mean two things: financial and environmental. These days, businesses all over are putting more time and energy into going green. Companies like Micro Solutions Enterprises sell the type of products that can save you money and help you do your part to help the environment. Here are some tips for achieving a greener office environment:

1       Use remanufactured toner cartridges

Micro Solutions Enterprises' flagship product is its line of remanufactured toner cartridges. These high quality, OEM-alternative toner cartridges made from the very best recycled materials save you money (by costing less than brand new ones) and keep depleted cartridges from being tossed into our already overcrowded landfills. Every toner cartridge made requires oil to create and transport. The disposed plastic doesn't decompose and can leech into waterways. By switching to MSE's remanufactured toner cartridges, you can keep the plastic from being wasted.

2       Recycle paper

This is a simple suggestion and one that's been in place for many years, but it's worth repeating. Make sure you keep recycling bins for paper in every copy room. It's easy and convenient and keeps people from throwing unwanted paper in the regular trash.

3       Be mindful of the thermostat

Turn down the heat after office hours. Unless for some reason you have temperature sensitive goods, you can save on energy every month by putting the thermostat on a timer so that the office is warm when the first people arrive in the morning and begins to shut down when the last person leaves.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Yoel Wazana Shows the Benefits of a Curious Mind

Sometimes it's not all about credentials. In this certification obsessed world, it's not always the Ivy Leaguers or PhD holders that make the big impact. Many of the most successful entrepreneurs don't have the typical background that we associate with success. In fact, some of the most successful businesspeople have been those who are forever curious and spend much of their time just tinkering around with things that interest them. One such curious person and entrepreneur is Micro Solutions Enterprises president and founder, Yoel Wazana. Wazana is an Israeli immigrant with no formal training or engineering education who managed to come to America and revolutionize the aftermarket imaging supplies business.

Wazana's background was mechanics and he was a tinkerer by habit. Early on, he worked for a toner cartridge remanufacturer that gave him the time to experiment with printers and the product. As time went on, Wazana identified a need that wasn't being met. He believed the market was sorely missing a high quality OEM alternative. Many of the early remanufactured toner cartridges were crudely constructed. In order to "recycle" them, the manufacturers would just drill a hole in the spent cartridges, refill it, and offer them for sale. This led to widespread customer dissatisfaction as the cartridges weren't reliable.

When Wazana launched MSE in 1994, he changed all that. Over the past twenty years, Yoel Wazana has helped rehabilitate the aftermarket imaging supplies market and now heads the leading company in the industry.
