Monday, March 18, 2013

Yoel Wazana Providing Employment Opportunities in Manufacturing

It hasn't been a good couple decades for American manufacturing. Every news story you read is about outsourcing and the decline of American production. "Nothing is made in America anymore," goes the common wisdom. But entrepreneurs like Yoel Wazana are turning that claim on its head. MSE has been an American manufacturing powerhouse for nearly 20 years and it does all of its production in Van Nuys, California

Wazana's company has brought some much needed jobs to the San Fernando Valley. Prior to the arrival of Micro Solutions Enterprises, General Motors was the big manufacturing employer in the region. But with the plant being closed decades ago, there had been a huge gap as far as stable manufacturing jobs. As MSE has steadily grown since the mid-90s, they've been able to employ more and more people. As of 2012, the company employed nearly 1,000 people in the area. It's been a huge positive development for the local economy.

But Yoel Wazana's success signals much more than that. Van Nuys may be benefitting thanks to MSE's presence, but so is the American economy on the whole. The more companies like MSE figure out ways to make American manufacturing desirable and affordable, the stronger the country will be in the long run. MSE has a commitment to manufacturing in American and taking on green initiatives. This positions it as a company to watch for the foreseeable future. With each year being better than the last, MSE continues to go strong.



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